@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+"""Wrapper classes"""
+import re
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from rival_regions_wrapper import util
+from rival_regions_wrapper import wrapper
+class Profile(wrapper.Profile):
+ """Wrapper class for profile"""
+ def __init__(self, middleware, profile_id=None):
+ wrapper.Profile.__init__(self, middleware, profile_id=profile_id)
+ def info(self):
+ """Get profile"""
+ if self.profile_id:
+ path = "slide/profile/{}".format(self.profile_id)
+ else:
+ path = "slide/profile"
+ response = self.middleware.get(path)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
+ level = soup.select_one("div.oil:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(2)").text
+ perks = soup.select("table tr:nth-child(2) span")
+ profile = {
+ "profile_id": int(
+ soup.select_one(".history_link")["action"].replace(
+ "log/user/", ""
+ ),
+ ),
+ "name": re.sub(r".*:\s", "", soup.find("h1").text),
+ "level": int(re.sub(r"^Level\:\s|\s\(.*\)$", "", level)),
+ "level_percentage": int(
+ re.sub(r"^Level\:\s(\d+)\s\(|\s\%\)$", "", level)
+ ),
+ "strenght": int(perks[0].text),
+ "education": int(perks[1].text),
+ "endurance": int(perks[2].text),
+ }
+ return profile
+class Market(wrapper.Market):
+ """New marketwrapper bases on Market"""
+ def offer_by(self, item, profile_id):
+ """Get current offer by profile id"""
+ if isinstance(item, str) and item in util.ITEM_KEYS:
+ item = util.ITEM_KEYS[item]
+ path = "storage/listed/{}".format(item)
+ response = self.middleware.get(path)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
+ offers_tree = soup.find_all(class_="list_link")
+ for offer_tree in offers_tree:
+ if (
+ int(
+ re.sub(
+ r"^.*\/",
+ "",
+ offer_tree.select_one(".results_date")["action"],
+ )
+ )
+ == profile_id
+ ):
+ return int(
+ offer_tree.select_one(".list_level.imp.small")["rat"]
+ )
+ return 0
+ def info(self, item):
+ """Get profile"""
+ if isinstance(item, str) and item in util.ITEM_KEYS:
+ item = util.ITEM_KEYS[item]
+ path = "storage/listed/{}".format(item)
+ response = self.middleware.get(path)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
+ offers_tree = soup.find_all(class_="list_link")
+ test = 0
+ price = 0
+ for offer_tree in offers_tree:
+ if test == 0:
+ test = 1
+ price = int(
+ float(offer_tree.select(".list_level")[1]["rat"]) * 100
+ )
+ if (
+ int(
+ re.sub(
+ r"^.*\/",
+ "",
+ offer_tree.select_one(".results_date")["action"],
+ )
+ )
+ == 2000883512
+ ):
+ price = 0
+ return price
+ def first_offer(self, item_id):
+ if isinstance(item_id, str) and item_id in util.ITEM_KEYS:
+ item_id = util.ITEM_KEYS[item_id]
+ path = "storage/listed/{}".format(item_id)
+ response = self.middleware.get(path)
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, "html.parser")
+ return {
+ "item_id": item_id,
+ "profile_id": int(soup.select_one(".list_link")["user"]),
+ "amount": int(soup.select_one(".list_level")["rat"]),
+ "price": int(float(soup.select(".list_level")[1]["rat"]) * 100)
+ / 100,
+ }
+ def buy(self, offer, amount=None):
+ """Buy item"""
+ if isinstance(item, str) and item in util.ITEM_KEYS:
+ item = util.ITEM_KEYS[item]
+ if not amount:
+ amount = offer["ammount"]
+ self.middleware.post(
+ "storage/buy/{}/{}/{}/{}".format(
+ offer["item_id"], offer["profile_id"], amount, offer["price"]
+ )
+ )