@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+import logging
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger('rival_regions_wrapper.authentication_handler')
@@ -19,6 +21,40 @@ class Work():
def __init__(self, api_wrapper):
self.api_wrapper = api_wrapper
+ # def energy(self):
+ # """Get current amount of energy"""
+ # response = self.api_wrapper.get(path)
+ def work(self, amount=1, mentor=0):
+ """Work at given factory ID. Amount needs to be energy / 10."""
+ response = self.api_wrapper.post(f'factory/go/{amount}/{mentor}/')
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(response, 'html.parser')
+ """if str(soup.select_one('h1').text.replace('\xa0▶','')) == 'You need residency to work in this region ':
+ LOGGER.info(str(soup))
+ return False
+ else:"""
+ #factory = str(soup.select_one('h1').text.split('\xa0▶')[0])
+ #factory_type = str(soup.select_one('h1').text.split('\xa0▶')[1])
+ #income = str(soup.select_one('div.minwidth.imp').select('.work_results2')[-1].
+ # select('span')[-1].text.replace('.', ''))
+ #LOGGER.info(str(soup.select_one('div.minwidth.imp').select('.work_results2')))
+ LOGGER.info(str([i for i in soup.stripped_strings]))
+ # ['IndX GOLD', '▶', 'Gold mine', '—10 E\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (+9)', 'Working experience: +1 Pt.',
+ # '0 $', 'Exp: +20', 'Total: 6900420', 'Taxes: +0 $ (10%)', 'Total: 5.657.542.880.418 $',
+ # 'Work again', 'Auto']
+ #income = [i.strip("+") for i in income.split(" ")] # Split units from value and remove sign
+ #LOGGER.info(str(income))
+ #income[0] = int(income[0]) # Convert first part to an integer, second will be the units
+ #worked_info = {
+ # 'factory': factory,
+ # 'factory_type': factory_type,
+ # 'income': income
+ #}
+ return ''# worked_info
def page(self):
"""Get work page"""
path = 'work'