# Rival-Regions-Wrapper This library will functions as an authenticator an API wrapper for interaction with Rival Regions. Use at your own risk. ## Install The following steps can be used to install the package with pip: - clone the repository: `git clone git@github.com:jjoo914/rival_regions_wrapper.git` - use pip to install the package: `pip install rival_regions_wrapper` Alternative option: - run `pip install git+https://github.com/jjoo914/rival_regions_wrapper#egg=rival_regions_wrapper` The package should be available globaly. ### Pipenv When you want to add the package to a Pipfile, use the folowing command: ``` pipenv install -e git+https://github.com/jjoo914/rival_regions_wrapper#egg=rival_regions_wrapper ``` ## Testing This appplication supports unit tests, these are located in `rival_regions_wrapper/tests/`. Intall required dependancies using `pipenv install --dev`. After installing you should be able to test the python package with pytest. Requests are cached for quick testing using VCR.py located at `rival_regions_wrapper/tests/cassettes/`. If you run in problems with testing you are advised to them run again after remvong the cassettes directory. The tests read login credentials from the following environment variables: `LOGIN_METHOD`, `USERNAME`, `PASSWORD`. You can set those by creating an file named `.env` with te following: ``` LOGIN_METHOD=PLACEHOLDER USERNAME=PLACEHOLDER PASSWORD=PLACEHOLDER ``` Replace `PLACEHOLDER` with your credentials. ## Middleware The API wrapper uses middleware to decide where how to send the request. Middlewares can also be used to write direct requests to Rival Regions. Current middleware ### LocalAuthentication Use username, password, and login method to log in local instance of the authenticator. ### RemoteAuthentication Connect through a remote API using URL and authentication key. ## Examples Create local authentication middleware and log in with environ variables ```python import os from rival_regions_wrapper import LocalAuthentication authentication = LocalAuthentication( os.environ["USERNAME"], os.environ["PASSWORD"], os.environ["LOGIN_METHOD"] ) ``` request region page from Rival Regions ```python region = authentication.get('listed/upgrades/{}'.format(region_id)) ``` Example of API wrapper to get oil current available resources from a state ```python from rival_regions_wrapper import apiWrapper from rival_regions_wrapper.api_wrapper import ResourceState api_wrapper = ApiWrapper(authentication) state = 3382 resource = 'oil' response = ResourceState(api_wrapper, state).info(resource) ``` For more examples look at the unit tests. ## Contact * [Discord](https://discord.gg/6fzHtJM)