"""Wrapper test""" from datetime import datetime, timedelta import pytest from rival_regions_wrapper.api_wrapper import Profile, Storage, Market, ResourceState, Perks, \ Craft, Overview, War, Work, Article @pytest.fixture def profile_keys(): """Standard key from profile""" return ['profile_id', 'name', 'level', 'level_percentage', 'strenght', 'education', 'endurance'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_profile_info(api_wrapper, profile_keys): """Test an API call to get client info""" profile_instance = Profile(api_wrapper, 192852686) response = profile_instance.info() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert response['profile_id'] == 192852686, "The ID should be in the response" assert set(profile_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response['name'], str), "Name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['level'], int), "level should be a int" assert isinstance(response['level_percentage'], int), "level_percentage should be a int" assert isinstance(response['strenght'], int), "strenght should be a int" assert isinstance(response['education'], int), "education should be a int" assert isinstance(response['endurance'], int), "endurance should be a int" @pytest.fixture def storage_keys(): """Standard keys for storage""" return [ 'oil', 'ore', 'uranium', 'diamonds', 'liquid_oxygen', 'helium-3', 'rivalium', 'antirad', 'energy_drink', 'spacerockets', 'lss', 'tanks', 'aircrafts', 'missiles', 'bombers', 'battleships', 'laser_drones', 'moon_tanks', 'space_stations', 'oil_max', 'ore_max', 'uranium_max', 'diamonds_max', 'liquid_oxygen_max', 'helium-3_max', 'rivalium_max', 'antirad_max', 'energy_drink_max', 'spacerockets_max', 'lss_max', 'tanks_max', 'aircrafts_max', 'missiles_max', 'bombers_max', 'battleships_max', 'laser_drones_max', 'moon_tanks_max', 'space_stations' ] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_storage_info(api_wrapper, storage_keys): """Test an API call to get storage info""" response = Storage(api_wrapper).info() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert set(storage_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" @pytest.fixture def market_keys(): """Standard keys for storage""" return ['player_id', 'player_name', 'price', 'amount'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_market_info(api_wrapper, market_keys): """Test an API call to get market info""" resource = 'oil' response = Market(api_wrapper).info(resource) assert isinstance(response, list), "The response should be a list" if response: assert isinstance(response[0], dict), "The first element should be a dict" assert set(market_keys).issubset(response[0].keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response[0]['player_id'], int), "The player_id should be a int" assert isinstance(response[0]['player_name'], str), "The player_name should be a int" assert isinstance(response[0]['price'], int), "The price should be a int" assert isinstance(response[0]['amount'], int), "The price should be a int" @pytest.fixture def resource_keys(): """Standard keys for resource""" return ['region_id', 'region_name', 'explored', 'maximum', 'deep_exploration', 'limit_left'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_resource_state_info(api_wrapper, resource_keys): """Test an API call to get market info""" state = 3382 resource = 'oil' response = ResourceState(api_wrapper, state).info(resource) assert isinstance(response, list), "The response should be a list" if response: assert isinstance(response[0], dict), "The first element should be a dict" assert set(resource_keys).issubset(response[0].keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response[0]['region_id'], int), "The region_id should be a int" assert isinstance(response[0]['region_name'], str), "The region_name should be a str" assert isinstance(response[0]['explored'], float), "The explored should be a float" assert isinstance(response[0]['maximum'], int), "The maximum should be a int" assert isinstance(response[0]['deep_exploration'], int), "deep_exploration should be int" assert isinstance(response[0]['limit_left'], int), "The limit_left should be a int" @pytest.fixture def perks_keys(): """Standard keys for perks""" return ['strenght', 'education', 'endurance', 'upgrade_date', 'upgrade_perk'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_perks_info(api_wrapper, perks_keys): """Test an API call to get perks info""" response = Perks(api_wrapper).info() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert set(perks_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response['strenght'], int), "strengt should be an int" assert isinstance(response['education'], int), "educatino should be an int" assert isinstance(response['endurance'], int), "endurance should be an int" assert isinstance(response['upgrade_date'], datetime), "upgrade_date should be a date" assert isinstance(response['upgrade_perk'], int), "upgrade_perk should be an int" @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Update request") def test_perks_upgrade(api_wrapper): """Test an API call to upgrade perk""" perk = 'endurance' upgrade_type = 'money' Perks.upgrade(perk, upgrade_type ) @pytest.fixture def craft_keys(): """Standard keys for craft""" return ['market_price', 'resources'] @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Update request") def test_craft_produce(api_wrapper): """Test an API call to produce new item""" item = 'energy_drink' Craft(api_wrapper).produce(item, 10) assert True @pytest.fixture def overview_info_keys(): """Standard keys for overview info""" return ['perks', 'war'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_overview_info(api_wrapper, overview_info_keys): """Test an API call for overview""" response = Overview(api_wrapper).info() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response hould be a dict" assert set(overview_info_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response['war'], dict), "The war key should be a dict" @pytest.fixture def overview_status_keys(): """Standard kenys for overview status""" return ['profile_id', 'party_id', 'gold', 'money', 'level', 'exp'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_overview_status(api_wrapper, overview_status_keys): """Test an API cal for status""" response = Overview(api_wrapper).status() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response hould be a dict" assert set(overview_status_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_war_page(api_wrapper): """Test getting training war""" response = War(api_wrapper).page() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert isinstance(response['training_war'], int), "The training_war should be an int" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_war_info(api_wrapper): """Test war info""" war = War(api_wrapper) war_page = war.page() war_id = war_page['training_war'] response = war.info(war_id) assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert isinstance(response['damage'], int), "Damage should be an int" assert isinstance(response['attack_damage'], int), "Attack damage should be an int" assert isinstance(response['defence_damage'], int), "Defence damage should be an int" assert isinstance(response['attack_hourly_available'], bool), "Attack hourly should be a bool" assert isinstance(response['energ_drinks'], int), "Energy drinks should be an int" assert isinstance(response['name'], str), "Name should be a str" assert isinstance(response['max_hero_name'], str), "max hero name should be a str" assert isinstance(response['max_hero_damage'], int), "max hero damage should be an int" if 'time_left' in response: assert isinstance(response['time_left'], timedelta), "time left should be a time delta" assert isinstance(response['finish_date'], datetime), "Finish date should be a date" assert isinstance(response['war_units'], dict), "war units should be a dict" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_work_info(api_wrapper): """Test work info""" response = Work(api_wrapper).page() assert isinstance(response, dict), "The response should be a dict" assert isinstance(response['factory'], dict), "Factory should be a dict" assert isinstance(response['resources_left'], dict), "Resources left should be a dict" assert isinstance(response['work_exp'], dict), "Work exp should be a dict" @pytest.fixture def article_keys(): """Standard key fro article""" return ['article_id', 'article_title', 'newspaper_id', 'newspaper_name', \ 'author_name', 'author_id', 'region_name', 'region_id', 'content_text', 'content_html', \ 'language', 'rating', 'comments', 'post_date'] @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_article_info_one(api_wrapper, article_keys): """Test article info""" article_id = 2708696 response = Article(api_wrapper).info(article_id) assert isinstance(response, dict), "The resonse should be a dict" assert set(article_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response['article_id'], int), "Article id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['article_title'], str), "Article title should be a str" assert isinstance(response['newspaper_id'], int), "Newspaper id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['newspaper_name'], str), "Newspaper name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['author_name'], str), "Author name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['author_id'], int), "Author id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['region_name'], str), "Region name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['region_id'], int), "Region id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['content_text'], str), "Content text should be a string" assert isinstance(response['content_html'], str), "Content html should be a string" assert isinstance(response['language'], str), "Language should be a string" assert isinstance(response['rating'], int), "Rating should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['comments'], int), "Comments should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['post_date'], datetime), "Post date should be a datetime" @pytest.mark.vcr() def test_article_info_two(api_wrapper, article_keys): """Test article info""" article_id = 2862982 response = Article(api_wrapper).info(article_id) assert isinstance(response, dict), "The resonse should be a dict" assert set(article_keys).issubset(response.keys()), "All keys should be in the response" assert isinstance(response['article_id'], int), "Article id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['article_title'], str), "Article title should be a str" assert response['newspaper_id'] is None, "Newspaper id should be none" assert response['newspaper_name'] is None, "Newspaper name should be none" assert isinstance(response['author_name'], str), "Author name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['author_id'], int), "Author id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['region_name'], str), "Region name should be a string" assert isinstance(response['region_id'], int), "Region id should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['content_text'], str), "Content text should be a string" assert isinstance(response['content_html'], str), "Content html should be a string" assert isinstance(response['language'], str), "Language should be a string" assert isinstance(response['rating'], int), "Rating should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['comments'], int), "Comments should be an integer" assert isinstance(response['post_date'], datetime), "Post date should be a datetime"