123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191 |
- """Add account conversation"""
- import random
- import string
- from telegram import ParseMode
- from telegram.ext import MessageHandler, CommandHandler, Filters, ConversationHandler
- from app import api, functions, database, HEADERS, BASE_URL, LOGGER
- def conv_ask_account_id(update, context):
- """Ask account id"""
- LOGGER.info('"@%s" start add account conversation', update.message.from_user.username)
- update.message.reply_text('Send me your Rival Regions account name or ID.')
- return ACCOUNT_ID
- def conv_account_choose(update, context):
- """Ask max resource"""
- account_name = update.message.text
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" searching for account name "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- account_name
- )
- accounts = api.get_accounts_by_name(account_name)
- if len(accounts) == 0:
- update.message.reply_text('No accounts found witht that name, try again')
- return ACCOUNT_ID
- context.user_data['account_list'] = accounts
- message = 'Chose from list:\n'
- for num, account in enumerate(accounts, start=1):
- message += '{}) {} ({})\n'.format(num, account['name'], account['level'])
- update.message.reply_text(message)
- return CHOOSE
- def conv_account_number_error(update, context):
- """Wrong input error"""
- incorrect_input = update.message.text
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" incorrect number number "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- incorrect_input
- )
- update.message.reply_text(
- '{}, I don\'t recognize that. What number?'.format(
- incorrect_input
- )
- )
- return CHOOSE
- def conv_account_id_confirm(update, context):
- """Confirm account """
- account_id = int(update.message.text)
- if account_id <= 25:
- account_index = account_id-1
- if account_index >= len(context.user_data['account_list']):
- update.message.reply_text('{} is not an option, try again.'.format(account_id),)
- return CHOOSE
- account = context.user_data['account_list'][account_index]
- account_id = account['id']
- context.user_data['account_id'] = account_id
- update.message.reply_text(
- 'Retreiving account from Rival Regions, this might take a couple seconds.'
- )
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" RR account id "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- account_id
- )
- account = api.get_rr_account(account_id)
- message_list = [
- '*Account details*',
- '*ID*: {}'.format(account_id),
- '*Name*: {}'.format(functions.escape_text(account['name'])),
- '*Region*: {}'.format(account['region']),
- '*Residency*: {}'.format(account['residency']),
- '*Registration date*: {}'.format(account['registation_date']),
- '\nPlease confirm this is your account by typing \'confirm\'.',
- ]
- update.message.reply_text(
- '\n'.join(message_list),
- parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN
- )
- return CONFIRM
- def conv_verification(update, context):
- """Sending announcement"""
- update.message.reply_text(
- 'Verification code will be send to your Rival Region account in a couple of secconds. ' + \
- 'Check your personal messages for a verification code and send it here.',
- parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN
- )
- letters = string.ascii_lowercase
- verification_code = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(5))
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" verification code "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- verification_code
- )
- message = 'Your verification code:\n{}\n\n'.format(verification_code) + \
- 'Please don\'t share this code except with @rr_verification_bot on Telegram.'
- api.send_personal_message(context.user_data['account_id'], message)
- context.user_data['verification_code'] = verification_code
- def conv_finish(update, context):
- """Sending announcement"""
- verification_code = update.message.text
- if verification_code != context.user_data['verification_code']:
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" wrong verification code try "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- verification_code,
- )
- if 'tries' not in context.user_data:
- context.user_data['tries'] = 0
- context.user_data['tries'] += 1
- if context.user_data['tries'] >= 3:
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" too many wrong verification tries',
- update.message.from_user.username
- )
- update.message.reply_text(
- 'Failed verification to many times, canceled action.',
- parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN
- )
- context.user_data.clear()
- return ConversationHandler.END
- update.message.reply_text(
- 'Verificated code doesn\'t match, try again.',
- parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN
- )
- account_id = context.user_data['account_id']
- LOGGER.info(
- '"@%s" succesfully verified RR account "%s"',
- update.message.from_user.username,
- account_id,
- )
- database.verify_rr_account(update.message.from_user.id, account_id)
- update.message.reply_text(
- 'Verificated your Rival Region account to Telegram. Type /accounts to see your accounts',
- parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN
- )
- context.user_data.clear()
- return ConversationHandler.END
- def conv_error_finish(update, context):
- """Ask max resource"""
- incorrect_input = update.message.text
- update.message.reply_text(
- '"{}" not recognized. Send me the verification code.\n/cancel to cancel'.format(
- incorrect_input
- ),
- )
- def conv_cancel(update, context):
- """Cancel announcement"""
- update.message.reply_text('Canceled action.')
- context.user_data.clear()
- return ConversationHandler.END
- # announcement conversation
- ADD_ACCOUNT_CONV = ConversationHandler(
- entry_points=[CommandHandler('add_account', conv_ask_account_id)],
- states={
- MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r'^\d*$'), conv_account_id_confirm),
- MessageHandler(Filters.text, conv_account_choose),
- ],
- MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r'^\d*$'), conv_account_id_confirm),
- MessageHandler(Filters.text, conv_account_choose),
- ],
- MessageHandler(Filters.regex('confirm'), conv_verification),
- MessageHandler(Filters.text, conv_cancel),
- ],
- MessageHandler(Filters.regex(r'^([a-z]|\d)+$'), conv_finish),
- MessageHandler(Filters.text, conv_error_finish),
- ],
- },
- fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', conv_cancel)]
- )