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JoostSijm 6 năm trước cách đây
mục cha
3 tập tin đã thay đổi với 61 bổ sung35 xóa
  1. 26 14
  2. 1 1
  3. 34 20

+ 26 - 14

@@ -9,23 +9,35 @@ In deze tutorial zijn de belangrijkste aspecten van het spel uitgelegd.
 * Gebouwen
 * Resources
+# Progressie
+| Onderwerp | %     | Opmerking                                 |
+| --------- | ----- | ----------------------------------------- |
+| region    | 70    | Mist 'overige gebouwen'                   |
+| perks     | 100   |                                           |
+| resources | 80    |                                           |
+| market    | 20    |                                           |
+| work      | 80    |                                           |
+| war       | 20    | Coup en revolutie beschrijven en damage   |
+| parlement | 20    |                                           |
+| checklist | 100   |                                           |
 # Bronnen
 Overzicht van gebruikte bronnen.
-| Titel				| Omschrijving						| URL 										| Verwerkt | 
-| -----------------	| ---------------------------------	| -----------------------------------------	| -------- |
-| RR voor dummies	| Door Van Zande					| |          |
-| Newb				| Cendree tutorial					| |          |
-| Newb (dutch)		| Cendree tutorial					| |          |
-| Overzicht			| Lijst van tutorial				| |          |
-| Monarchie			| Uitleg over bestuursvorm			| |          |
-| Work exp			| Het beste werk exp verzameld		| | X        |
-| Gold work			| Energie generatie overzicht		| | X        |
-| Market			| Hoe je het beste kan verkopen		| |          |
-| Oorlog			| Overzicht van damage van troepen	| |          |
-| Parliament		| Uitleg over partijen en laws		| |          |
-| Resources			| Een overzicht van resources		| | X        |
-| Daily checklist	| Dagelijkse activiteiten			| | X        |
+| Titel             | Omschrijving                      | URL                                       | Verwerkt  | 
+| ----------------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------- |
+| Overzicht         | Lijst van tutorial                | |           |
+| RR voor dummies   | Door Van Zande                    | |           |
+| Newb              | Cendree tutorial                  | |           |
+| Newb (dutch)      | Cendree tutorial                  | |           |
+| Monarchie         | Uitleg over bestuursvorm          | |           |
+| Parliament        | Uitleg over partijen en laws      | |           |
+| Work exp          | Het beste werk exp verzameld      | | X         |
+| Gold work         | Energie generatie overzicht       | | X         |
+| Market            | Hoe je het beste kan verkopen     | |           |
+| Resources         | Een overzicht van resources       | | X         |
+| Oorlog            | Overzicht van damage van troepen  | |           |
+| Daily checklist   | Dagelijkse activiteiten           | | X         |
 # Feedback
 Is altijd welkom. Dat kan bij [Issues]( geplaatst worden.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-			\begin{tabular}{l*5{r}}
+			\begin{tabular}{c*5{r}}
 				& & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Gold per} \\
 				Index & Energy & 10 min & uur & dag & week \\

+ 34 - 20

@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
-	% There are 8 total types of resources in RR. For simplicity's sake, I will split up these resources into two subtypes: raw resources and money resources. Raw resources are Oil, Ore, Uranium, Diamonds, Helium 3, and Liquid Oxygen. All raw resources can be obtained through working. The money resources are Cash and Gold. Even though gold is obtainable through work, it can also be obtained through questing and is considered a form of currency. Cash is obtained through the markets, donations and exchanging of gold. Six of the eight resources (oil, ore, Helium 3, liquid oxygen, uranium) can only be obtained through factories after level 60. You can still purchase these off of the market before level 60.
+	% There are 8 total types of resources in RR. For simplicity's sake, I will split up these resources into two subtypes: raw resources and money resources. Raw resources are Oil, Ore, Uranium, Diamonds, Helium-3, and Liquid Oxygen. All raw resources can be obtained through working. The money resources are Cash and Gold. Even though gold is obtainable through work, it can also be obtained through questing and is considered a form of currency. Cash is obtained through the markets, donations and exchanging of gold. Six of the eight resources (oil, ore, Helium-3, liquid oxygen, uranium) can only be obtained through factories after level 60. You can still purchase these off of the market before level 60.
 	Er zijn 8 type resources die worden opgeslitst in twee categorien: raw resources en currency resources.
 	Alle resources kunnen verkregen worden door te werken.
 	\subsection{Currency Resources}
-	Bestaan uit: Cash en Gold. 
-	De valuta resources kan je ook verkrijgen door quests, verkopen van raw resources, donaties, en gold exchange.
+	Bestaan uit: Cash en Gold.
+	Onder andere verkregen door quests.
+	\textbf{Gold},
+	% Gold is the only workable resource that you can obtain before level 60 in factories called Gold Mines. Gold is used as a substitute for cash and is then used in the creation of buildings and also energy drinks. Gold can be obtained through online purchases, quests and working. Gold can be exchanged into cash at 10kk a piece, but is much more useful as is.
+	Wordt gebruikt als plaatsvervanger van Cash.
+	Kan verkregen worden in Gold Mines en het doen van quests, of gekocht worden met echt geld.
+	Wordt gebruikt in de productie van gebouwen, machines, en energy drinks.
+	\textbf{Cash},
+	% Cash is the most useful and likely most sought after resource, despite being the most common. Cash is used in the buying and selling, production and building of everything imaginable. Cash is obtained through selling things on the market, exchanging gold, and from donations.
+	Gebruikt voor het kopen en verkopen van resources en het produceren van bijna alles.
+	Word verkregen door verkopen van raw resources, donaties, en gold exchange.
 	\subsection{Raw Resources}
 	Zijn: Oil, Ore, Uranium, Diamonds, Helium, en Liquid Oxygen.
@@ -26,30 +35,35 @@
-	\subsection{Oil}
+	\subsection{Low}
+	Word vaak gebruikt bij de productie van machines en het maken van gebouwen in een regio.
+	\textbf{Oil} geproduceert in Oil Fields,
 	% Oil is likely one of, if not the simplest resource to obtain. Practically, oil is used to power all the machines and things made in production, and is subsequently used in the production of most things. Oil is one of the 6 resources only obtainable after level 60, in factories known as Oil Fields. The market price averages 200-300 dollars cash.
-	Oil is de makelijkste resource om te krijgen.
-	Het wordt voor veel dingen gebruikt 
-	\subsection{Ore}
+	\textbf{Ore} geproduceert in Ore Quarries.
 	% Ore is almost exactly the same as oil, used in production of most things. Ore is practically used to be refined, then used to build all the machines and things. The price averages 200-300 dollars cash, and is only obtainable through factories called Ore Quarries after level 60.
-	\subsection{Uranium}
+	\subsection{Mid}
+	Is een stuk duurder en komt in kleinere hoeveelheden voor.
+	\textbf{Uranium} geproduceert in Uranium Quarries.
+	Wordt gebruikt om voor antirads, power plants en ballistic missiles.
 	% Uranium is much different from the previous two. It is more expensive and comes in lower quantities. Practically, uranium is used to either create or counteract radiation or create energy, and is subsequently used in ballistic missiles, antirads, and power plants built on earth. The price averages around 4500-6000 dollars cash. It is one of the six that can only be obtained in factories called Uranium Quarries after level 60.
-	\subsection{Liquid Oxygen}
+	\textbf{Liquid Oxygen}, geproduceert in Liquefaction Plants op aarde.
+	Zorgt voor zuurstof op de maan.
+	Word gebruikt in de productie van moon tanks and space rockets.
 	% Liquid Oxygen is a more specific kind of resource. Practically it is used to allow people to breathe, and is used in anything moon or space related like moon tanks and space rockets. The price ranges from 5000-6000 dollars cash. It is one of the six that can only be obtained in factories called Liquefaction Plants after level 60. Liquefaction Plants can only be built on earth.
-	\subsection{Helium 3}
-	% Helium 3 is a high tier material that can only be obtained in factories above level 60 on the moon. Practically it is used in experimental power plants, like those in space stations or spaceports and is found in so. The price ranges from 1.35kk to 1.6kk on average.
-	\subsection{Diamonds}
+	\subsection{High}
+	\textbf{Helium-3}, geproduceert in Helium-3 Labs op de maan.
+	Word gebruikt voor experimentele power plants op de maan en in de productei van Space Stations.
+	% Helium-3 is a high tier material that can only be obtained in factories above level 60 on the moon. Practically it is used in experimental power plants, like those in space stations or spaceports and is found in so. The price ranges from 1.35kk to 1.6kk on average.
+	\textbf{Diamonds}, geproduceert in Diamond Mines.
+	Gebruikt in high-end machines en gebouwen en voor sommige laws.
 	% Diamonds are another high-end material found in mines called Diamond Mines. Obviously they can only be worked after level 60. Practically they're used to create strong or high-end machines or buildings and are used to build such. The price averages from 1.4kk to 1.6kk.
-	\subsection{Gold}
-	% Gold is the only workable resource that you can obtain before level 60 in factories called Gold Mines. Gold is used as a substitute for cash and is then used in the creation of buildings and also energy drinks. Gold can be obtained through online purchases, quests and working. Gold can be exchanged into cash at 10kk a piece, but is much more useful as is.
-	\subsection{Cash}
-	% Cash is the most useful and likely most sought after resource, despite being the most common. Cash is used in the buying and selling, production and building of everything imaginable. Cash is obtained through selling things on the market, exchanging gold, and from donations.
+	\section{Storage}
+	Bepaald het maximaal aantal resources dat je kan opslaan.
+	Pepaald door level en endurance perk.
+	Je huis level geeft een extra \% ruimte.
+	Premium verdubbelt je storage ruimte, dit kan nog eens verdubbeld worden met een tijdelijke boost.