@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# (c) Nelen & Schuurmans
+import io
+from datetime import datetime
+import boto3
+import pytest
+from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
+from clean_python import DoesNotExist
+from clean_python import Filter
+from clean_python import PageOptions
+from clean_python.s3 import S3BucketOptions
+from clean_python.s3 import S3BucketProvider
+from clean_python.s3 import S3Gateway
+def s3_settings(s3_url):
+ minio_settings = {
+ "url": s3_url,
+ "access_key": "cleanpython",
+ "secret_key": "cleanpython",
+ "bucket": "cleanpython-test",
+ "region": None,
+ }
+ if not minio_settings["bucket"].endswith("-test"): # type: ignore
+ pytest.exit("Not running against a test minio bucket?! 😱")
+ return minio_settings.copy()
+def s3_bucket(s3_settings):
+ s3 = boto3.resource(
+ "s3",
+ endpoint_url=s3_settings["url"],
+ aws_access_key_id=s3_settings["access_key"],
+ aws_secret_access_key=s3_settings["secret_key"],
+ )
+ bucket = s3.Bucket(s3_settings["bucket"])
+ # ensure existence
+ try:
+ bucket.create()
+ except ClientError as e:
+ if "BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou" in str(e):
+ pass
+ return bucket
+def s3_provider(s3_bucket, s3_settings):
+ # wipe contents before each test
+ s3_bucket.objects.all().delete()
+ return S3BucketProvider(S3BucketOptions(**s3_settings))
+def s3_gateway(s3_provider):
+ return S3Gateway(s3_provider)
+def object_in_s3(s3_bucket):
+ s3_bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"foo"), "object-in-s3")
+ return "object-in-s3"
+def local_file(tmp_path):
+ path = tmp_path / "test-upload.txt"
+ path.write_bytes(b"foo")
+ return path
+async def test_upload_file(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, local_file):
+ object_name = "test-upload-file"
+ await s3_gateway.upload_file(object_name, local_file)
+ assert (await s3_gateway.get(object_name))["size"] == 3
+async def test_upload_file_does_not_exist(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, tmp_path):
+ path = tmp_path / "test-upload.txt"
+ object_name = "test-upload-file"
+ with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
+ await s3_gateway.upload_file(object_name, path)
+async def test_download_file(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, object_in_s3, tmp_path):
+ path = tmp_path / "test-download.txt"
+ await s3_gateway.download_file(object_in_s3, path)
+ assert path.read_bytes() == b"foo"
+async def test_download_file_path_already_exists(
+ s3_gateway: S3Gateway, object_in_s3, tmp_path
+ path = tmp_path / "test-download.txt"
+ path.write_bytes(b"bar")
+ with pytest.raises(FileExistsError):
+ await s3_gateway.download_file(object_in_s3, path)
+ assert path.read_bytes() == b"bar"
+async def test_download_file_does_not_exist(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, s3_bucket, tmp_path):
+ path = tmp_path / "test-download-does-not-exist.txt"
+ with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist):
+ await s3_gateway.download_file("some-nonexisting", path)
+ assert not path.exists()
+async def test_remove(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, s3_bucket, object_in_s3):
+ await s3_gateway.remove(object_in_s3)
+ assert await s3_gateway.get(object_in_s3) is None
+async def test_remove_does_not_exist(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, s3_bucket):
+ await s3_gateway.remove("non-existing")
+def multiple_objects(s3_bucket):
+ s3_bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"a"), "raster-1/bla")
+ s3_bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"ab"), "raster-2/bla")
+ s3_bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"abc"), "raster-2/foo")
+ s3_bucket.upload_fileobj(io.BytesIO(b"abcde"), "raster-2/bz")
+ return ["raster-1/bla", "raster-2/bla", "raster-2/foo", "raster-2/bz"]
+async def test_remove_multiple(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, multiple_objects):
+ await s3_gateway.remove_multiple(multiple_objects[:2])
+ for key in multiple_objects[:2]:
+ assert await s3_gateway.get(key) is None
+ for key in multiple_objects[2:]:
+ assert await s3_gateway.get(key) is not None
+async def test_remove_multiple_empty_list(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, s3_bucket):
+ await s3_gateway.remove_multiple([])
+async def test_filter(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, multiple_objects):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.filter([], params=PageOptions(limit=10))
+ assert len(actual) == 4
+ assert actual[0]["id"] == "raster-1/bla"
+ assert isinstance(actual[0]["last_modified"], datetime)
+ assert actual[0]["etag"] == "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661"
+ assert actual[0]["size"] == 1
+async def test_filter_empty(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, s3_bucket):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.filter([], params=PageOptions(limit=10))
+ assert actual == []
+async def test_filter_with_prefix(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, multiple_objects):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.filter(
+ [Filter(field="prefix", values=["raster-2/"])], params=PageOptions(limit=10)
+ )
+ assert len(actual) == 3
+async def test_filter_with_limit(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, multiple_objects):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.filter([], params=PageOptions(limit=2))
+ assert len(actual) == 2
+ assert actual[0]["id"] == "raster-1/bla"
+ assert actual[1]["id"] == "raster-2/bla"
+async def test_filter_with_cursor(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, multiple_objects):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.filter(
+ [], params=PageOptions(limit=3, cursor="raster-2/bla")
+ )
+ assert len(actual) == 2
+ assert actual[0]["id"] == "raster-2/bz"
+ assert actual[1]["id"] == "raster-2/foo"
+async def test_get(s3_gateway: S3Gateway, object_in_s3):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.get(object_in_s3)
+ assert actual["id"] == "object-in-s3"
+ assert isinstance(actual["last_modified"], datetime)
+ assert actual["etag"] == "acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8"
+ assert actual["size"] == 3
+async def test_get_does_not_exist(s3_gateway: S3Gateway):
+ actual = await s3_gateway.get("non-existing")
+ assert actual is None