@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import json
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from pydantic import ValidationError
+from clean_python import BadRequest
+from clean_python import Conflict
+from clean_python import DoesNotExist
+from clean_python import PermissionDenied
+from clean_python import Unauthorized
+from clean_python.fastapi.error_responses import conflict_handler
+from clean_python.fastapi.error_responses import not_found_handler
+from clean_python.fastapi.error_responses import permission_denied_handler
+from clean_python.fastapi.error_responses import unauthorized_handler
+from clean_python.fastapi.error_responses import validation_error_handler
+async def test_does_not_exist():
+ actual = await not_found_handler(None, DoesNotExist("record", id=15))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Could not find record with id=15"}
+async def test_does_not_exist_no_id():
+ actual = await not_found_handler(None, DoesNotExist("tafeltje"))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Could not find tafeltje"}
+async def test_conflict():
+ actual = await conflict_handler(None, Conflict("foo"))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.CONFLICT
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Conflict", "detail": "foo"}
+async def test_conflict_no_msg():
+ actual = await conflict_handler(None, Conflict())
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.CONFLICT
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Conflict", "detail": None}
+async def test_unauthorized():
+ actual = await unauthorized_handler(None, Unauthorized())
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Unauthorized", "detail": None}
+ assert actual.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] == "Bearer"
+async def test_unauthorized_with_msg():
+ # message should be ignored
+ actual = await unauthorized_handler(None, Unauthorized("foo"))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Unauthorized", "detail": None}
+ assert actual.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] == "Bearer"
+async def test_permission_denied():
+ actual = await permission_denied_handler(None, PermissionDenied())
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Permission denied", "detail": None}
+async def test_permission_denied_with_msg():
+ actual = await permission_denied_handler(None, PermissionDenied("foo"))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {"message": "Permission denied", "detail": "foo"}
+class Book(BaseModel):
+ title: str
+async def test_validation_error():
+ try:
+ Book(name="foo")
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ actual = await validation_error_handler(None, e)
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {
+ "message": "Validation error",
+ "detail": [{"loc": ["title"], "msg": "Field required", "type": "missing"}],
+ }
+async def test_bad_request_from_validation_error():
+ try:
+ Book(name="foo")
+ except ValidationError as e:
+ actual = await validation_error_handler(None, BadRequest(e))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {
+ "message": "Validation error",
+ "detail": [{"loc": ["title"], "msg": "Field required", "type": "missing"}],
+ }
+async def test_bad_request_from_msg():
+ actual = await validation_error_handler(None, BadRequest("foo"))
+ assert actual.status_code == HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST
+ assert json.loads(actual.body) == {
+ "message": "Validation error",
+ "detail": [{"loc": [], "msg": "foo", "type": "value_error"}],
+ }