@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+from http import HTTPStatus
+from unittest import mock
+import pytest
+from aiohttp import ClientSession
+from clean_python import ctx
+from clean_python import Tenant
+from clean_python.api_client import ApiException
+from clean_python.api_client import ApiProvider
+MODULE = "clean_python.api_client.api_provider"
+def tenant() -> Tenant:
+ ctx.tenant = Tenant(id=2, name="")
+ yield ctx.tenant
+ ctx.tenant = None
+def response():
+ # this mocks the aiohttp.ClientResponse:
+ response = mock.Mock()
+ response.status = int(HTTPStatus.OK)
+ response.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
+ response.json = mock.AsyncMock(return_value={"foo": 2})
+ response.read = mock.AsyncMock()
+ return response
+def api_provider(tenant, response) -> ApiProvider:
+ request = mock.AsyncMock()
+ with mock.patch.object(ClientSession, "request", new=request):
+ api_provider = ApiProvider(
+ url="http://testserver/foo/",
+ fetch_token=lambda a, b: f"tenant-{b}",
+ )
+ api_provider._session.request.return_value = response
+ yield api_provider
+async def test_get(api_provider: ApiProvider, response):
+ actual = await api_provider.request("GET", "")
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_count == 1
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_args[1] == dict(
+ method="GET",
+ url="http://testserver/foo",
+ headers={"Authorization": "Bearer tenant-2"},
+ timeout=5.0,
+ data=None,
+ json=None,
+ )
+ assert actual == {"foo": 2}
+async def test_post_json(api_provider: ApiProvider, response):
+ response.status == int(HTTPStatus.CREATED)
+ api_provider._session.request.return_value = response
+ actual = await api_provider.request("POST", "bar", json={"foo": 2})
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_count == 1
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_args[1] == dict(
+ method="POST",
+ url="http://testserver/foo/bar",
+ data=None,
+ json={"foo": 2},
+ headers={
+ "Authorization": "Bearer tenant-2",
+ },
+ timeout=5.0,
+ )
+ assert actual == {"foo": 2}
+ "path,params,expected_url",
+ [
+ ("", None, "http://testserver/foo"),
+ ("bar", None, "http://testserver/foo/bar"),
+ ("bar/", None, "http://testserver/foo/bar"),
+ ("", {"a": 2}, "http://testserver/foo?a=2"),
+ ("bar", {"a": 2}, "http://testserver/foo/bar?a=2"),
+ ("bar/", {"a": 2}, "http://testserver/foo/bar?a=2"),
+ ("", {"a": [1, 2]}, "http://testserver/foo?a=1&a=2"),
+ ("", {"a": 1, "b": "foo"}, "http://testserver/foo?a=1&b=foo"),
+ ],
+async def test_url(api_provider: ApiProvider, path, params, expected_url):
+ await api_provider.request("GET", path, params=params)
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_args[1]["url"] == expected_url
+async def test_timeout(api_provider: ApiProvider):
+ await api_provider.request("POST", "bar", timeout=2.1)
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_args[1]["timeout"] == 2.1
+async def test_unexpected_content_type(api_provider: ApiProvider, response, status):
+ response.status = int(status)
+ response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
+ with pytest.raises(ApiException) as e:
+ await api_provider.request("GET", "bar")
+ assert e.value.status is status
+ assert str(e.value) == f"{status}: Unexpected content type 'text/plain'"
+async def test_json_variant_content_type(api_provider: ApiProvider, response):
+ response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/something+json"
+ actual = await api_provider.request("GET", "bar")
+ assert actual == {"foo": 2}
+async def test_no_content(api_provider: ApiProvider, response):
+ response.status = int(HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT)
+ response.headers = {}
+ actual = await api_provider.request("DELETE", "bar/2")
+ assert actual is None
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("status", [HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND])
+async def test_error_response(api_provider: ApiProvider, response, status):
+ response.status = int(status)
+ with pytest.raises(ApiException) as e:
+ await api_provider.request("GET", "bar")
+ assert e.value.status is status
+ assert str(e.value) == str(int(status)) + ": {'foo': 2}"
+async def test_no_token(api_provider: ApiProvider):
+ api_provider._fetch_token = lambda a, b: None
+ await api_provider.request("GET", "")
+ assert api_provider._session.request.call_args[1]["headers"] == {}