import re from abc import ABC from abc import abstractmethod from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from typing import Any from typing import AsyncIterator from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Tuple import asyncpg from async_lru import alru_cache from sqlalchemy import text from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.asyncpg import dialect as asyncpg_dialect from sqlalchemy.sql import Executable from clean_python import AlreadyExists from clean_python import Conflict from clean_python import Json __all__ = ["SQLProvider", "SQLDatabase"] UNIQUE_VIOLATION_DETAIL_REGEX = re.compile( r"Key\s\((?P.*)\)=\((?P.*)\)\s+already exists" ) DIALECT = asyncpg_dialect() def convert_unique_violation_error( e: asyncpg.exceptions.UniqueViolationError, ) -> AlreadyExists: match = UNIQUE_VIOLATION_DETAIL_REGEX.match(e.detail) if match: return AlreadyExists(key=match["key"], value=match["value"]) else: return AlreadyExists() class SQLProvider(ABC): def compile( self, query: Executable, bind_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Tuple[Any, ...]: # Rendering SQLAlchemy expressions to SQL, see: # - compiled = query.compile( dialect=DIALECT, compile_kwargs={"render_postcompile": True} ) params = ( compiled.params if bind_params is None else {**compiled.params, **bind_params} ) # add params in positional order return (str(compiled),) + tuple(params[k] for k in compiled.positiontup) @abstractmethod async def execute( self, query: Executable, bind_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> List[Json]: pass @asynccontextmanager async def transaction(self) -> AsyncIterator["SQLProvider"]: raise NotImplementedError() yield class SQLDatabase(SQLProvider): def __init__( self, url: str, *, isolation_level: str = "repeatable_read", pool_size: int = 1 ): # Note: disable JIT because it amakes the initial queries very slow # see if "://" in url: url = url.split("://")[1] self.url = url self.pool_size = pool_size self.isolation_level = isolation_level @alru_cache async def get_pool(self): return await asyncpg.create_pool( f"postgresql://{self.url}", server_settings={"jit": "off"}, min_size=1, max_size=self.pool_size, ) async def dispose(self) -> None: pool = await self.get_pool() await pool.close() async def execute( self, query: Executable, bind_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> List[Json]: async with self.transaction() as transaction: return await transaction.execute(query, bind_params) @asynccontextmanager async def transaction(self) -> AsyncIterator[SQLProvider]: pool = await self.get_pool() connection: asyncpg.Connection async with pool.acquire() as connection: async with connection.transaction(isolation=self.isolation_level): yield SQLTransaction(connection) @asynccontextmanager async def testing_transaction(self) -> AsyncIterator[SQLProvider]: pool = await self.get_pool() connection: asyncpg.Connection async with pool.acquire() as connection: transaction = connection.transaction() await transaction.start() try: yield SQLTransaction(connection) finally: await transaction.rollback() async def _execute_autocommit(self, query: Executable) -> None: pool = await self.get_pool() connection: asyncpg.Connection async with pool.acquire() as connection: await connection.execute(*self.compile(query)) async def create_database(self, name: str) -> None: await self._execute_autocommit(text(f"CREATE DATABASE {name}")) async def create_extension(self, name: str) -> None: await self._execute_autocommit(text(f"CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS {name}")) async def drop_database(self, name: str) -> None: await self._execute_autocommit(text(f"DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS {name}")) async def truncate_tables(self, names: Sequence[str]) -> None: quoted = [f'"{x}"' for x in names] await self._execute_autocommit(text(f"TRUNCATE TABLE {', '.join(quoted)}")) class SQLTransaction(SQLProvider): def __init__(self, connection: asyncpg.Connection): self.connection = connection async def execute( self, query: Executable, bind_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> List[Json]: try: result = await self.connection.fetch(*self.compile(query, bind_params)) except asyncpg.exceptions.UniqueViolationError as e: raise convert_unique_violation_error(e) except asyncpg.exceptions.SerializationError: raise Conflict("could not execute query due to concurrent update") return list(map(dict, result)) @asynccontextmanager async def transaction(self) -> AsyncIterator[SQLProvider]: async with self.connection.transaction(): yield self