import json as json_lib from http import HTTPStatus from typing import Callable from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import quote from pydantic import AnyHttpUrl from urllib3 import PoolManager from urllib3 import Retry from clean_python import Json from .api_provider import add_query_params from .api_provider import check_exception from .api_provider import FileFormPost from .api_provider import is_json_content_type from .api_provider import join from .exceptions import ApiException from .response import Response __all__ = ["SyncApiProvider"] class SyncApiProvider: """Basic JSON API provider with retry policy and bearer tokens. The default retry policy has 3 retries with 1, 2, 4 second intervals. Args: url: The url of the API (with trailing slash) headers_factory: Callable that returns headers (for e.g. authorization) retries: Total number of retries per request backoff_factor: Multiplier for retry delay times (1, 2, 4, ...) trailing_slash: Wether to automatically add or remove trailing slashes. """ def __init__( self, url: AnyHttpUrl, headers_factory: Optional[Callable[[], Dict[str, str]]] = None, retries: int = 3, backoff_factor: float = 1.0, trailing_slash: bool = False, ): self._url = str(url) if not self._url.endswith("/"): self._url += "/" self._headers_factory = headers_factory self._pool = PoolManager(retries=Retry(retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor)) self._trailing_slash = trailing_slash def _request( self, method: str, path: str, params: Optional[Json], json: Optional[Json], fields: Optional[Json], file: Optional[FileFormPost], timeout: float, ): headers = {} request_kwargs = { "method": method, "url": add_query_params( join(self._url, quote(path), self._trailing_slash), params ), "timeout": timeout, } # for urllib3<2, we dump json ourselves if json is not None and fields is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot both specify 'json' and 'fields'") elif json is not None and file is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot both specify 'json' and 'file'") elif json is not None: request_kwargs["body"] = json_lib.dumps(json).encode() headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" elif fields is not None and file is None: request_kwargs["fields"] = fields request_kwargs["encode_multipart"] = False elif file is not None: request_kwargs["fields"] = { file.field_name: ( file.file_name,, file.content_type, ), **(fields or {}), } request_kwargs["encode_multipart"] = True if self._headers_factory is not None: headers.update(self._headers_factory()) return self._pool.request(headers=headers, **request_kwargs) def request( self, method: str, path: str, params: Optional[Json] = None, json: Optional[Json] = None, fields: Optional[Json] = None, file: Optional[FileFormPost] = None, timeout: float = 5.0, ) -> Optional[Json]: response = self._request(method, path, params, json, fields, file, timeout) status = HTTPStatus(response.status) content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type") if status is HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT: return None if not is_json_content_type(content_type): raise ApiException( f"Unexpected content type '{content_type}'", status=status ) body = json_lib.loads( check_exception(status, body) return body def request_raw( self, method: str, path: str, params: Optional[Json] = None, json: Optional[Json] = None, fields: Optional[Json] = None, file: Optional[FileFormPost] = None, timeout: float = 5.0, ) -> Response: response = self._request(method, path, params, json, fields, file, timeout) return Response( status=response.status,, content_type=response.headers.get("Content-Type"), )