# (c) Nelen & Schuurmans from enum import Enum from functools import partial from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Type from fastapi import Depends from fastapi.routing import APIRouter from clean_python import ValueObject from .security import RequiresScope __all__ = [ "Resource", "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete", "APIVersion", "Stability", "v", "clean_resources", ] class Stability(str, Enum): STABLE = "stable" BETA = "beta" ALPHA = "alpha" @property def description(self) -> str: return DESCRIPTIONS[self] def decrease(self) -> "Stability": index = STABILITY_ORDER.index(self) if index == 0: raise ValueError(f"Cannot decrease stability of {self}") return STABILITY_ORDER[index - 1] STABILITY_ORDER = [Stability.ALPHA, Stability.BETA, Stability.STABLE] DESCRIPTIONS = { Stability.STABLE: "The stable API version.", Stability.BETA: "Backwards incompatible changes will be announced beforehand.", Stability.ALPHA: "May get backwards incompatible changes without warning.", } class APIVersion(ValueObject): version: int stability: Stability @property def prefix(self) -> str: result = f"v{self.version}" if self.stability is not Stability.STABLE: result += f"-{self.stability.value}" return result @property def description(self) -> str: return self.stability.description def decrease_stability(self) -> "APIVersion": return APIVersion(version=self.version, stability=self.stability.decrease()) def http_method(path: str, scope: Optional[str] = None, **route_options): def wrapper(unbound_method: Callable[..., Any]): setattr( unbound_method, "http_method", (path, scope, route_options), ) return unbound_method return wrapper def v(version: int, stability: str = "stable") -> APIVersion: return APIVersion(version=version, stability=Stability(stability)) get = partial(http_method, methods=["GET"]) post = partial(http_method, methods=["POST"]) put = partial(http_method, methods=["PUT"]) patch = partial(http_method, methods=["PATCH"]) delete = partial(http_method, methods=["DELETE"]) class OpenApiTag(ValueObject): name: str description: Optional[str] class Resource: version: APIVersion name: str def __init_subclass__(cls, version: APIVersion, name: str = ""): cls.version = version cls.name = name super().__init_subclass__() @classmethod def with_version(cls, version: APIVersion) -> Type["Resource"]: class DynamicResource(cls, version=version, name=cls.name): # type: ignore pass DynamicResource.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ return DynamicResource def get_less_stable(self, resources: Dict[APIVersion, "Resource"]) -> "Resource": """Fetch a less stable version of this resource from 'resources' If it doesn't exist, create it dynamically. """ less_stable_version = self.version.decrease_stability() # Fetch the less stable resource; generate it if it does not exist try: less_stable_resource = resources[less_stable_version] except KeyError: less_stable_resource = self.__class__.with_version(less_stable_version)() # Validate the less stable version if less_stable_resource.__class__.__bases__ != (self.__class__,): raise RuntimeError( f"{less_stable_resource} should be a direct subclass of {self}" ) return less_stable_resource def _endpoints(self): for attr_name in dir(self): if attr_name.startswith("_"): continue endpoint = getattr(self, attr_name) if not hasattr(endpoint, "http_method"): continue yield endpoint def get_openapi_tag(self) -> OpenApiTag: return OpenApiTag( name=self.name, description=self.__class__.__doc__, ) def get_router( self, version: APIVersion, responses: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None ) -> APIRouter: assert version == self.version router = APIRouter() operation_ids = set() for endpoint in self._endpoints(): path, scope, route_options = endpoint.http_method operation_id = endpoint.__name__ if operation_id in operation_ids: raise RuntimeError( "Multiple operations {operation_id} configured in {self}" ) operation_ids.add(operation_id) # The 'name' is used for reverse lookups (request.path_for): include the # version prefix so that we can uniquely refer to an operation. name = version.prefix + "/" + endpoint.__name__ # 'scope' is implemented using FastAPI's dependency injection system if scope is not None: route_options.setdefault("dependencies", []) route_options["dependencies"].append(Depends(RequiresScope(scope))) router.add_api_route( path, endpoint, tags=[self.name], operation_id=endpoint.__name__, name=name, responses=responses, **route_options, ) return router def clean_resources_same_name(resources: List[Resource]) -> List[Resource]: dct = {x.version: x for x in resources} if len(dct) != len(resources): raise RuntimeError( f"Resource with name {resources[0].name} " f"is defined multiple times with the same version." ) for stability in [Stability.STABLE, Stability.BETA]: tmp_resources = {k: v for (k, v) in dct.items() if k.stability is stability} for version, resource in tmp_resources.items(): dct[version.decrease_stability()] = resource.get_less_stable(dct) return list(dct.values()) def clean_resources(resources: Sequence[Resource]) -> List[Resource]: """Ensure that resources are consistent: - ordered by name - (tag, version) combinations should be unique - for stable resources, beta & alpha are autocreated if needed - for beta resources, alpha is autocreated if needed """ result = [] names = {x.name for x in resources} for name in sorted(names): result.extend( clean_resources_same_name([x for x in resources if x.name == name]) ) return result