123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # (c) Nelen & Schuurmans
- from datetime import datetime
- from datetime import timezone
- from unittest import mock
- import pytest
- from sqlalchemy import Boolean
- from sqlalchemy import Column
- from sqlalchemy import DateTime
- from sqlalchemy import Float
- from sqlalchemy import Integer
- from sqlalchemy import MetaData
- from sqlalchemy import Table
- from sqlalchemy import Text
- from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
- from sqlalchemy.sql import text
- from clean_python import AlreadyExists
- from clean_python import Conflict
- from clean_python import DoesNotExist
- from clean_python import Filter
- from clean_python.sql import SQLDatabase
- from clean_python.sql import SQLGateway
- test_model = Table(
- "test_model",
- MetaData(),
- Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True),
- Column("t", Text, nullable=False),
- Column("f", Float, nullable=False),
- Column("b", Boolean, nullable=False),
- Column("updated_at", DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False),
- Column("n", Float, nullable=True),
- )
- ### SQLProvider integration tests
- count_query = text("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_model")
- insert_query = text(
- "INSERT INTO test_model (t, f, b, updated_at) "
- "VALUES ('foo', 1.23, TRUE, '2016-06-22 19:10:25-07') "
- )
- @pytest.fixture(scope="session")
- async def database(postgres_url):
- dburl = f"postgresql+asyncpg://{postgres_url}"
- dbname = "cleanpython_test"
- root_provider = SQLDatabase(f"{dburl}/")
- await root_provider.drop_database(dbname)
- await root_provider.create_database(dbname)
- provider = SQLDatabase(f"{dburl}/{dbname}")
- async with provider.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.run_sync(test_model.metadata.drop_all)
- await conn.run_sync(test_model.metadata.create_all)
- yield SQLDatabase(f"{dburl}/{dbname}")
- @pytest.fixture
- async def database_with_cleanup(database: SQLDatabase):
- await database.truncate_tables(["test_model"])
- yield database
- await database.truncate_tables(["test_model"])
- @pytest.fixture
- async def transaction_with_cleanup(database_with_cleanup):
- async with database_with_cleanup.transaction() as trans:
- yield trans
- async def test_execute(database_with_cleanup):
- db = database_with_cleanup
- await db.execute(insert_query)
- assert await db.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 1}]
- async def test_transaction_commits(database_with_cleanup):
- db = database_with_cleanup
- async with db.transaction() as trans:
- await trans.execute(insert_query)
- assert await db.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 1}]
- async def test_transaction_err(database_with_cleanup):
- db = database_with_cleanup
- await db.execute(insert_query)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- async with db.transaction() as trans:
- await trans.execute(insert_query)
- raise RuntimeError() # triggers rollback
- assert await db.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 1}]
- async def test_nested_transaction_commits(transaction_with_cleanup):
- db = transaction_with_cleanup
- async with db.transaction() as trans:
- await trans.execute(insert_query)
- assert await db.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 1}]
- async def test_nested_transaction_err(transaction_with_cleanup):
- db = transaction_with_cleanup
- await db.execute(insert_query)
- with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
- async with db.transaction() as trans:
- await trans.execute(insert_query)
- raise RuntimeError() # triggers rollback
- assert await db.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 1}]
- async def test_testing_transaction_rollback(database_with_cleanup):
- async with database_with_cleanup.testing_transaction() as trans:
- await trans.execute(insert_query)
- assert await database_with_cleanup.execute(count_query) == [{"count": 0}]
- ### SQLGateway integration tests
- class TstSQLGateway(SQLGateway, table=test_model):
- pass
- @pytest.fixture
- async def test_transaction(database):
- async with database.testing_transaction() as test_transaction:
- yield test_transaction
- @pytest.fixture
- def sql_gateway(test_transaction):
- return TstSQLGateway(test_transaction)
- @pytest.fixture
- def obj():
- return {
- "t": "foo",
- "f": 1.23,
- "b": True,
- "updated_at": datetime(2016, 6, 23, 2, 10, 25, tzinfo=timezone.utc),
- "n": None,
- }
- @pytest.fixture
- async def obj_in_db(test_transaction, obj):
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(
- "INSERT INTO test_model (t, f, b, updated_at) "
- "VALUES ('foo', 1.23, TRUE, '2016-06-22 19:10:25-07') "
- )
- )
- return {"id": res[0]["id"], **obj}
- async def test_get(sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- actual = await sql_gateway.get(obj_in_db["id"])
- assert isinstance(actual, dict)
- assert actual == obj_in_db
- assert actual is not obj_in_db
- async def test_get_not_found(sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- assert await sql_gateway.get(obj_in_db["id"] + 1) is None
- async def test_add(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj):
- created = await sql_gateway.add(obj)
- id = created.pop("id")
- assert isinstance(id, int)
- assert created is not obj
- assert created == obj
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(f"SELECT * FROM test_model WHERE id = {id}")
- )
- assert res[0]["t"] == obj["t"]
- async def test_add_id_exists(sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- with pytest.raises(AlreadyExists):
- await sql_gateway.add(obj_in_db)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("id", [10, None, "delete"])
- async def test_add_integrity_error(sql_gateway, obj, id):
- obj.pop("t") # will cause the IntegrityError
- if id != "delete":
- obj["id"] = id
- with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
- await sql_gateway.add(obj)
- async def test_add_unkown_column(sql_gateway, obj):
- created = await sql_gateway.add({"unknown": "foo", **obj})
- created.pop("id")
- assert created == obj
- async def test_update(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj_in_db):
- obj_in_db["t"] = "bar"
- updated = await sql_gateway.update(obj_in_db)
- assert updated is not obj_in_db
- assert updated == obj_in_db
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(f"SELECT * FROM test_model WHERE id = {obj_in_db['id']}")
- )
- assert res[0]["t"] == "bar"
- async def test_update_not_found(sql_gateway, obj):
- obj["id"] = 42
- with pytest.raises(DoesNotExist):
- await sql_gateway.update(obj)
- async def test_update_unkown_column(sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- obj_in_db["t"] = "bar"
- updated = await sql_gateway.update({"unknown": "foo", **obj_in_db})
- assert updated == obj_in_db
- async def test_upsert_does_add(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj):
- obj["id"] = 42
- created = await sql_gateway.upsert(obj)
- assert created is not obj
- assert created == obj
- res = await test_transaction.execute(text("SELECT * FROM test_model WHERE id = 42"))
- assert res[0]["t"] == obj["t"]
- async def test_upsert_does_update(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj_in_db):
- obj_in_db["t"] = "bar"
- updated = await sql_gateway.upsert(obj_in_db)
- assert updated is not obj_in_db
- assert updated == obj_in_db
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(f"SELECT * FROM test_model WHERE id = {obj_in_db['id']}")
- )
- assert res[0]["t"] == "bar"
- async def test_upsert_no_id(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj):
- with mock.patch.object(sql_gateway, "add", new_callable=mock.AsyncMock) as add_m:
- created = await sql_gateway.upsert(obj)
- add_m.assert_awaited_with(obj)
- assert created == add_m.return_value
- async def test_remove(sql_gateway, test_transaction, obj_in_db):
- assert await sql_gateway.remove(obj_in_db["id"])
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_model WHERE id = {obj_in_db['id']}")
- )
- assert res[0]["count"] == 0
- async def test_remove_not_found(sql_gateway):
- assert not await sql_gateway.remove(42)
- async def test_update_if_unmodified_since(sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- obj_in_db["t"] = "bar"
- updated = await sql_gateway.update(
- obj_in_db, if_unmodified_since=obj_in_db["updated_at"]
- )
- assert updated == obj_in_db
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "if_unmodified_since", [datetime.now(timezone.utc), datetime(2010, 1, 1)]
- )
- async def test_update_if_unmodified_since_not_ok(
- sql_gateway, obj_in_db, if_unmodified_since
- ):
- obj_in_db["t"] = "bar"
- with pytest.raises(Conflict):
- await sql_gateway.update(obj_in_db, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "filters,match",
- [
- ([], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo"])], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["bar"])], False),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo"]), Filter(field="f", values=[1.23])], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo"]), Filter(field="f", values=[1.24])], False),
- ([Filter(field="nonexisting", values=["foo"])], False),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=[])], False),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo", "bar"])], True),
- ],
- )
- async def test_filter(filters, match, sql_gateway, obj_in_db):
- actual = await sql_gateway.filter(filters)
- assert actual == ([obj_in_db] if match else [])
- @pytest.fixture
- async def obj2_in_db(test_transaction, obj):
- res = await test_transaction.execute(
- text(
- "INSERT INTO test_model (t, f, b, updated_at) "
- "VALUES ('bar', 1.24, TRUE, '2018-06-22 19:10:25-07') "
- )
- )
- return {"id": res[0]["id"], **obj}
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "filters,expected",
- [
- ([], 2),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo"])], 1),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["bar"])], 1),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["baz"])], 0),
- ],
- )
- async def test_count(filters, expected, sql_gateway, obj_in_db, obj2_in_db):
- actual = await sql_gateway.count(filters)
- assert actual == expected
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "filters,expected",
- [
- ([], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["foo"])], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["bar"])], True),
- ([Filter(field="t", values=["baz"])], False),
- ],
- )
- async def test_exists(filters, expected, sql_gateway, obj_in_db, obj2_in_db):
- actual = await sql_gateway.exists(filters)
- assert actual == expected
- async def test_truncate(database: SQLDatabase, obj):
- gateway = TstSQLGateway(database)
- await gateway.add(obj)
- assert await gateway.exists([])
- await database.truncate_tables(["test_model"])
- assert not await gateway.exists([])