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- # (c) Nelen & Schuurmans
- from datetime import datetime
- from datetime import timezone
- from typing import Optional
- from typing import Type
- from typing import TypeVar
- from .exceptions import BadRequest
- from .value_object import ValueObject
- __all__ = ["RootEntity", "now"]
- def now():
- # this function is there so that we can mock it in tests
- return datetime.now(timezone.utc)
- T = TypeVar("T", bound="RootEntity")
- class RootEntity(ValueObject):
- id: Optional[int] = None
- created_at: datetime
- updated_at: datetime
- @classmethod
- def create(cls: Type[T], **values) -> T:
- values.setdefault("created_at", now())
- values.setdefault("updated_at", values["created_at"])
- return super(RootEntity, cls).create(**values)
- def update(self: T, **values) -> T:
- if "id" in values and self.id is not None and values["id"] != self.id:
- raise BadRequest("Cannot change the id of an entity")
- values.setdefault("updated_at", now())
- return super().update(**values)
- def __hash__(self):
- assert self.id is not None
- return hash(self.__class__) + hash(self.id)