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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # (c) Nelen & Schuurmans
- from typing import List
- from fastapi import Query
- from pydantic import validator
- from clean_python.base.domain.pagination import PageOptions
- from clean_python.base.domain.value_object import ValueObject
- from clean_python.base.infrastructure.gateway import Filter
- __all__ = ["RequestQuery"]
- class RequestQuery(ValueObject):
- limit: int = Query(50, ge=1, le=100, description="Page size limit")
- offset: int = Query(0, ge=0, description="Page offset")
- order_by: str = Query(
- default="id", enum=["id", "-id"], description="Field to order by"
- )
- @validator("order_by")
- def validate_order_by_enum(cls, v):
- # the 'enum' parameter doesn't actually do anthing in validation
- # See: https://github.com/tiangolo/fastapi/issues/2910
- allowed = cls.__fields__["order_by"].field_info.extra["enum"]
- if v not in allowed:
- raise ValueError(f"'order_by' must be one of {allowed}")
- return v
- def as_page_options(self) -> PageOptions:
- if self.order_by.startswith("-"):
- order_by = self.order_by[1:]
- ascending = False
- else:
- order_by = self.order_by
- ascending = True
- return PageOptions(
- limit=self.limit, offset=self.offset, order_by=order_by, ascending=ascending
- )
- def filters(self) -> List[Filter]:
- result = []
- for name in self.__fields__:
- if name in {"limit", "offset", "order_by"}:
- continue
- value = getattr(self, name)
- if value is not None:
- result.append(Filter(field=name, values=[value]))
- return result