1. pkgbase = obsidian
  2. pkgdesc = A powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files
  3. pkgver = 1.4.16
  4. pkgrel = 1
  5. url = https://obsidian.md/
  6. arch = x86_64
  7. license = custom:Commercial
  8. makedepends = asar
  9. depends = zlib
  10. depends = hicolor-icon-theme
  11. depends = fuse
  12. depends = electron
  13. options = !strip
  14. source = obsidian.sh
  15. source = obsidian.desktop
  16. source = https://github.com/obsidianmd/obsidian-releases/releases/download/v1.4.16/obsidian-1.4.16.tar.gz
  17. sha256sums = b5dcbbded25b7f65fd274eb9c98c4a4143e9c405074f97c5123c56df5482bd91
  18. sha256sums = be67713e873a5935d910efc6f6005c104b35c7b3a002dfcb5643fd185d1b0056
  19. sha256sums = 3c128b1acdcc6726ab48c8969e3a98eddf5b42b2aedae2c0bcb52e7e91cbc5cc
  20. pkgname = obsidian