master.tex 2.6 KB

  1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  3. %%%%
  4. %%%% Author : Joost Sijm
  5. %%%% Contact :
  6. %%%% Version : 1.1.1
  7. %%%%
  8. %%%% Notes : This code is delivered as is,
  9. %%%% and without any warranty.
  10. %%%% Feel free to modify and share.
  11. %%%%
  12. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  13. \input{docs/preamble}
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  28. \small {Small Title} \\
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  30. %------------------ NAMES ----------------------
  31. \vfill
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  33. \begin{tabular}{ll}
  34. Author: & Name Lastname\\
  35. & \today\\
  36. & City, Country.
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  53. \tableofcontents
  54. %\listoffigures
  55. % ================ DOCUMENT ====================
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  57. \input{docs/document}
  58. \input{docs/example}
  59. % =============== References ===================
  60. \newpage
  61. \newpage
  62. \begin{thebibliography}{5}
  63. \bibitem{cmos} R. Jacob Baker, \textit{CMOS. Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation}, 2nd ed., USA: IEEE Press, 2005
  64. \end{thebibliography}
  65. % ============= End of Document ================
  66. \end{document}
  67. % % ················ IMAGEN ·················
  68. % \begin{figure}[ht!]
  69. % \centering
  70. % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.6]{figs/flujo.png}}
  71. % \caption{Flujo de caja anual}\label{flujo}
  72. % \end{figure}
  73. % %··········································
  74. % % ················ IMAGEN DOBLE ·················
  75. % \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering
  76. % \subfloat[Esquemático]{\includegraphics[scale=0.44]{figs/seguidor.png}}
  77. % \subfloat[Simulación]{\includegraphics[scale=0.45]{figs/seguidor1.png}}
  78. % \caption{Simulación como seguidor de voltaje}\label{seguidor}
  79. % \end{figure}
  80. % %··········································