preamble.tex 1.1 KB

  1. \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article}
  2. % Config
  3. %%%%%%%%%%%
  4. % get settings from config
  5. \input{config}
  6. \title{\thetitle}
  7. \author{\theauthor}
  8. \date{\thedate}
  9. % Packages
  10. %%%%%%%%%%%
  11. % Document language
  12. \usepackage[dutch]{babel}
  13. % Extra font settings
  14. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  15. % Document size and marging
  16. \usepackage[
  17. a4paper,
  18. includeheadfoot,
  19. top=1cm,
  20. bottom=1.0cm,
  21. right=2.0cm,
  22. left=2.0cm
  23. ]{geometry}
  24. % Links in file
  25. \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref}
  26. % Newline in front of paragraph
  27. \usepackage{parskip}
  28. % Enable importing graphics
  29. \usepackage{graphicx}
  30. \graphicspath{{figs/}}
  31. % Add formating for code
  32. \usepackage{listings}
  33. \lstset{
  34. language=Java,
  35. tabsize=4,
  36. framexleftmargin=5mm,
  37. breaklines=true
  38. }
  39. % Fancy header and footer
  40. \usepackage{fancyhdr}
  41. \fancyhf{}
  42. \pagestyle{fancy}
  43. % header
  44. \fancyhead[L]{\small\rm\textit{\rightmark}}
  45. \fancyhead[R]{\small\rm\textbf{\thepage}}
  46. \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.5pt}
  47. % footer
  48. \fancyfoot[L]{\small\rm\textit{\thetitle}}
  49. \fancyfoot[R]{\small\rm\textit{\theauthor– \theschool}}
  50. \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.5pt}
  51. \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}